Does anyone else love that first of the month feeling? A fresh turn of the page and an opportunity to reflect & refocus?

It’s been a heavy couple of weeks & I know there’s a lot going on and to think about. Now is the perfect moment to re prioritise what you want for the month ahead. The mind loves a focal point which is why monthly intentions can be so helpful. I personally like to use them more as guides/themes vs as a goal setting exercise for myself/my clients so that there is still choice, flexibility and creativity in HOW you execute your month.

Here’s the @vaultcoaching method for setting monthly intentions

1.) Start with a 5-10 minute meditation. Just some quiet time to check in with where you’re at emotionally, physically, psychologically. Just scan what sort of state you’re in.

2.) Journal out anything that came to mind during your meditation. Thoughts, feelings, observations. Doesn’t have to be completed sentences, but you’re just CONTAINING what went on for you on a page, which helps elevate the mind from continuing to think/analyse.

3.)What’s WORKING! I like to start with writing down a few habits/things I’m enjoying that I know are good for me (a certain book, how I’m moving my body, what type of music I’m listening to, a convo that left me smiling, how often I’m socialising, what time I’m getting up, how much structure I have, etc.)

4.) What is not in ALIGNMENT... This is an important one to be careful about writing, because it’s not about punishing yourself for having done it but it’s about you being HONEST with yourself that this habit/thought/ person is NOT helping you feel good. Think about if you repeated this thing everyday, would it leave you feeling whole & healthy & happy? If not, it’s time to LET IT GO.

5.) Write a statement that starts with I’m giving myself permission to let go of_____so that I can let in_______. This is important to me because_________________.

6.) Finally…SHARE IT! Send a screen shot or have a convo with someone you trust not just so that they hold you accountable but so they can encourage & support you, just seeing their name on your phone can be your little friendly prompt of a reminder.

7.) Revisit your statement as often as you can, place it somewhere visible (or take a screenshot and make it the background of your phone!). Remember this isn’t about achieving anything but more about focusing on what’s important to you and re prioritising your time/energy.

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